The 5th International Specialized Conference of Education College on Physics and Applied Science

"Physics and Applied Science Techniques: Interference of Civilization and Gateway to Progress"

22 April 2024

About the Conference

This conference aims to bridge the gap between various disciplines within the physical sciences, fostering collaboration and exchange of knowledge. It serves as an interface of civilization, highlighting the significant role that science plays in the advancement of society and contributing to the progress of humanity.

Event Schedule

08:45 AM
09:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
Lunch Time
01:30 PM
02:30 PM
03:30 PM
05:00 PM

Meet the Speakers

Our bench of speakers will provide invaluable insights and perspectives, contributing to the rich tapestry of knowledge at our conference


Assistant professor in Physics, Arignar Anna Govt.Arts College,Cheyyar-604407,Tamilnadu,India

Dr. Modjtaba Ghorbani

Prof., Chemical Graph Theory, Shahid Rajaee University, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Rasber Dhahir Rashid

Asst. Prof, Image Security and Biometric . Authentication. Department of Computer Science and IT, Salahaddin University-Erbil-Iraq

Organizing Committee Scientific Committee


·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Tareq Hashim Abboud / Dean of the College

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Alaa H. Shanishil

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Alaa Hussein Shneishel / Scientific Associate

·        Prof. Dr. Hassan Nouri Abdel Wahab

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Jamal Ajil Sultan / Administrative Associate

·        Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farhan Atwan

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Qasim Khalif Ammar / Associate for Student Affairs

·        Prof. Dr. Sameer Qasim Hasan

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Zuhair Hussein Ali / Head of Computer Science Department

·        Prof. Dr. Herish Omer Abdullah

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Alan Jalal Abdul Qader / Head of Mathematics Department

·        Prof. Dr. Saad Shaker Mahmoud

·         Prof. Dr. Ziad Mohammed Abboud / Physics Department

·        Prof. Dr. Makki A. Muhammad

·         Prof. Dr. Herish Omer Abdullah / Salahaddin University

·        Prof. Dr. Eklaas Abbas Jabr

·         Prof. Dr. Hassan Hadi Abdullah / Salahaddin University

·        Prof. Dr. Yousf Spotti

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Ne’mah Mohammed / Physics Department

·        Prof.  Dr. Akpan Nedim Ikot

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Taher Muhi / Physics Department

·        Prof. Dr. Peter Stevenhagen, Leiden University-Nederland

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Enas Mohammed Hussein / Computer Science Department

·         Prof. Dr. Hussein Muzaffar Al-Rezo

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Shaker Mahmoud / Computer Science Department

·        Prof. Dr. Haider Raad

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Rafid Aidan Haliut / Computer Science Department

·        Asst. Prof. Dr. Intesar H. Hashim

·         Asst. Prof. Bishra Jarrar Allah Tawfiq / Mathematics Department

·         Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab S Ibrahim

·         Asst. Prof. Amin Abdul Zahra Noor / Computer Science Department

·        Asst. Prof. Dr. Anwar Abbas Hattab

·         Asst. Prof. Wael Salem Jameel / University Presidency


·         Mr. Ali Ibrahim Mansour / Mathematics Department


·         Mr. Mustafa Abdul Sattar Sabri / Mathematics Department


·         Mr. Khaled Ghalib Mohammed / Physics Department


·         M.Sc. Aysar Thamer Nasser / University Presidency


·         Senior Programmer Huda Najih Abboud / University Presidency


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